

The girl next ¿door?
The girl I have never seen before.
The worst kiss.
The french sisters.
The nice girl.
The old one.
The blue dress.
The sea and the sun.
The cheerleader.
The best friend.
The popular couple.
The sister-in-law.
The elevator girl.
The singer.
The flat tire.
The tennis challenge.
The road trip girl.
The first golf sesion.
The NYC girl.
The hook up.
The magazine cover girl.
The 3 of them.
The cosmo.
The thong song.
The prada bag.
The plane.
The contest beauty.
The backup.
The individual soul.
The alfa.
The fine tortilla.
Tha class diferentiation.
The warehouse.
The happily even after.

1 comentario:

homero dijo...

A lot of them.
Good post.
Just, to the blank.