
My Balls

Vamos a dejarlo claro de una vez por todas...

Me caga la canción "my humps" de los black eyed peas, what a crap of song, if you can name that shit a song, if that's a song, so whoever can be a songwriter and get rich anytime.
That sucks and it must be in the worst songs ever.
fergie so is a bitch, what is a modern bitch, that appears on tv and all that stuff...poor quality of content.
my humps...my fucking balls.

2 comentarios:

pux lavoix dijo...

jajajajajajaja si esta qlera la rola, no soy muy fan d los bep's perotienen buenas rolas y d esa pues.....ni me he fijado, una vez vi el video, y aunq la vieja no se me hace precisamente "guapa" la neta es q se ve bueniiiiiisima

homero dijo...

Jajaja..but like any bitch in the world, i mean, anything from the other world that you could say "my god", she's one more from the bunch.